EDPOP: The European Dimensions of Popular Print Culture


31 March 2016
15:00 - 18:00

Session: Stories travelling through Europe. Translating, adapting and popularising (1500-1800)

In this session we study the European dimension of popular or popularised stories (e.g. Faust, Robin Hood, Robert de Diable, Griseldis, Don Quichot, Cartouche.) in the early modern period. We follow the life cycle of stories crossing borders of language, nation, morality, material form and time. The question is how social-economic, religious and cultural contexts, combined with commercial incentives and publishing strategies determined the success and longevity of these stories. This question will be answered by focussing on transnational comparisons of (Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, English, Finnish) editions, translations and adaptations of these stories.

Speakers: Juan Gomis (Valencia); Miriam Borham Puyal (Salamanca); Jeroen Salman (Utrecht); Rita Schlusemann (Berlin/Utrecht)